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약침학교과서는 국내 한의과대학 뿐만 아니라 세계 각국의 학자들에게 약침학의 소개 및 교육에 사용되고 있습니다.
Since 1997, Journal of Pharmacopuncture has quarterly been published in English to index SCI (Web of Science) and MedLine (PMC) from 2012 vol.3. In 2010, the title has changed from Journal of Korea Pharmacopuncture Institute to Journal of Pharmacopuncture. As an open access and peer-reviewed journal, the Journal of Pharmacopuncture is indexed in the Korea Citation Index (KCI) and Directory of Open Access Journal (DOAJ). The Journal of Pharmacopuncture aims to present EBM research results with a special focus on oriental medicine, each country’s traditional medicine, integrative medicine and pharmacy, veterinary medicine, and pharmacopuncturology. Delivering high-quality papers related to pharmacopuncture and oriental medicine, Journal of Pharmacopuncture contributes to research and develop the oriental medicine.
약침학교과서 3종세트(국문,영문,중문)
2011년 약침학 영문판 표지
English version of Pharmacopuncturology (藥鍼學)
2011년 약침학 중문판 표지
Chinese version of Pharmacopuncturology (藥鍼學)
2011년 약침학 영문판 표지
Pharmacopuncturology SE (藥鍼學)
약침학 표지
Pharmacopuncturology (藥鍼學)
약침학 개정판
Pharmacopunturology (藥鍼學, General Theory)
약침요법 총론 표지
The outline of Herbal Acupuncture Therapy
약침요법 시술지침서 표지
The outline of Herbal Acupuncture Therapy
약침제제의 임상응용 표지
Pharmacopuncture System and Clinical Application
외국의 한약제형에 관한 조사 자료집
Research Data of Foreign Herbal Medicine’s Formulation
약침학 표지
Pharmacopunturology (藥針學)